I took some time yesterday to get into the Word of God. I’ve been reading John 14, 15, 16 and maybe 17 the last two days. So much to take in, like the fact that if we love Jesus the Father lo
I went to the dr.’s office in November. They gave me an antibiotic which did a number on my body for many days before we figured it out. God showed me some things while I laid around the hous
C.S. Lewis wrote in Mere Christianity that pride leads to every other vice. If that’s the case, we all have pride, and God does not like pride. Proverbs 8:13 says, The fear of the LORD is to
Fever, a Stranger, and Australian Cattle Dogs
I contracted a fever for two days and then cold-like symptoms for a week or so. I haven’t had a fever since I don’t know when, thank You, Jesus. Then our daughter’s friend, who
Crying Out for God
At the Wednesday Ladies’ Bible Study, Ruth, an octogenarian said, “I have clay feet and the body has needs and cries out for these needs to be met, but I want to cry out louder for God