I took some time yesterday to get into the Word of God. I’ve been reading John 14, 15, 16 and maybe 17 the last two days. So much to take in, like the fact that if we love Jesus the Father loves us! How cool is that? Yesterday I felt as though the Lord wanted me to read a bit of a Christian book. So I rummaged through the bookcase and found one entitled, It All Comes Out in the Wash, by Judi Braddy, copyright 2006, Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City.
I heard her at a pastor’s wives conference a couple of years ago. I bought her book and put it on a shelf. Now that I’ve started it, I’m enjoying her style of writing. She speaks about the tyranny of the urgent getting in the way of our time sitting at Jesus’ feet.
I felt as though the Lord wanted me to sit with Him three days ago, and I put it off just to do a load of laundry and then to answer the phone and then to just grab a quick bite to eat. The timer went off; it was time for me to leave the house. I wondered later if He might have suggested I stay home had I spent time with Him. I know He would have given me some nuggets of truth to ponder while traveling and mingling with others.
Proverbs 6 reminded me today to get up and around after my devotional time. The chair felt cozy and I was snuggled in a blanket. My paraphrase of verses 9-11, “Too much sleep results in poverty.” Later in Proverbs 6 it admonished men not to be lured by an adulteress, or an application for women, not to be an adulteress, in verses 24-29 and 32-35. Satan is subtle. I need those reminders to follow Jesus’ commands and not allow our culture to influence my thoughts. All sin starts with our thought life.
In Biblegateway.com, in Second Corinthians 10 it says: 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
We can change our thoughts and our actions with Jesus’ help. Hallelujah! Time for God and His Word pays dividends we’re not always aware of. In this life and the next we get to cash them in. Yay!