Sucker Punched

Do you ever feel like you got sucker punched by the enemy of our souls? I felt that way today.

I got an email from the domain name company I use. I thought it said I needed to contact them in order to use my website. I looked and couldn’t find the information.

I kept intending to call the man that helped me set up my site, but one thing after another took precedence over the contact. So, I tried to reach him today, but didn’t get an answer. A small thought popped in my mind. Try getting on your blog.  I put in my username and password, it opened right up!

Sucker punched! All those days I thought I’d write went by the wayside. God has a way of making good things happen out of difficulties. It’s His speciality! I am the closest I’ve ever been to finishing a long awaited children’s book. I’ve also made tremendous roads into completing a nonfiction book for women.

As my husband and I run into health difficulties, we lean into God and find His ever-loving arms enfolding us. You can’t help but want to know Him better, the lover of our souls.

Yesterday, I felt emotionally taxed and part of it was because of heart wrenching situations on television. I decided I’d better go outside and garden and pray and relax. It was like a total release of endorphins and no more stress within seconds. So, I skipped most of the tv shows at night and today. It’s helped a ton!

God bless you and keep you from evil, in Jesus’ name, I ask. Amen.

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